The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Thobe: Tips and Tricks for Men and Women

Thobe, also known as thawb, dishdasha, or kandura, is a traditional garment worn by men and women in many parts of the Middle East. It is a versatile and comfortable attire that comes in various styles, colors, and fabrics. Whether you are looking to buy a thobe for a special occasion or for everyday wear, this guide will help you make an informed decision.

Understanding the Different Styles of Thobes

For Men:

  • Kandura: This is the most common style of thobe worn by men in the Gulf countries. It is typically ankle-length with long sleeves and a collar. You can browse this website if you are looking to buy thobe.
  • Saudi Thobe: This style is characterized by its simplicity and elegance. It is usually white or off-white and can have embroidery along the neckline and cuffs.
  • Pakistani Thobe: This thobe is more fitted and tailored than the traditional styles and is often worn for special occasions.

For Women:

  • Abaya: This is a traditional outer garment worn by women in the Middle East. It is often black and worn over regular clothing.
  • Kaftan: A kaftan is a loose-fitting, ankle-length garment with wide sleeves. It is popular in many Middle Eastern countries for special occasions.

Choosing the Right Fabric

The fabric of the thobe can greatly impact its comfort and appearance. Here are some common fabrics used in making thobes:

  • Cotton: Cotton thobes are lightweight and breathable, making them ideal for hot weather.
  • Linen: Linen thobes are also lightweight and breathable, but they tend to wrinkle easily.
  • Polyester: Polyester thobes are more durable and wrinkle-resistant than cotton or linen.
  • Silk: Silk thobes are luxurious and perfect for special occasions, but they require delicate care.

Considering the Fit

It is important to choose a thobe that fits well to ensure comfort and style. Here are some tips for finding the right fit:

  • Consider the length: The thobe should be long enough to reach your ankles but not drag on the floor.
  • Check the sleeve length: The sleeves should reach the wrists without being too tight or too loose.
  • Ensure proper chest and shoulder fit: The thobe should not be too tight or too loose in the chest and shoulders.